
Revenue : 000,000 M USD
Finance : 000,000 M USD
Earning Cap : 000,000 M USD
Invest : 000,000 M USD
R & D : 0000 People
Growth : 00% AGR



General Introduction Nanjing Shenghang Shipping Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") was established on November 7, 1994, and is a listed company on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (securities abbreviation: Shenghang Co., Ltd.; securities code: 001205). The legal representative is Li Taoyuan. The company is mainly engaged in the transportation of liquid chemicals and finished oil on water in the coastal areas and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, and is one of the leading enterprises in liquid chemical shipping in China. The company has maintained a rapid and healthy development trend in recent years. As of the end of 2021, the company has controlled 22 ships with a total capacity of 143700 deadweight tons, including 19 chemical ships, 3 oil tankers, and 5 ships under construction (including 1 new ship with capacity replacement). The company has established good cooperative relationships with large petrochemical production enterprises such as Sinopec, PetroChina, Sinochem Group, Hengli Petrochemical, Zhejiang Petrochemical, Yangzi Petrochemical BASF, etc., providing safe, high-quality, and efficient water transportation services, which have gained high recognition from customers. Through more than ten years of operating the transportation business of liquid dangerous goods, the company has gradually formed a transportation network with 25 major coastal ports, more than 20 Yangtze River and the Pearl River ports as logistics nodes, the Yangtze River route from Hunan to Shanghai as the horizontal axis, and the coastal route from Bohai Bay to Hainan as the vertical axis, focusing on serving Liaoning, Tianjin, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other regions, covering the Bohai Bay Major domestic chemical production bases such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Beibu Gulf. The company focuses on safety management, focuses on customer needs, and has accumulated a good reputation in the industry with high-quality and efficient logistics services. The company is a first-class standard unit for safety production standardization construction in transportation enterprises, and a vice chairman unit of the Chemical Transportation Committee of the China Shipowners Association. In recent years, it has won the "Gold Tank Award and Safety Management Award" issued by the China Logistics and Procurement Federation multiple times, and is a key logistics enterprise in Jiangsu Province. The company has been highly recognized by customers for its high-quality service quality, and has been rated as a "benchmark logistics service provider" by Sinopec Chemical Sales Co., Ltd., and "the best logistics service provider" by Sinopec South China Chemical Sales Company. The company's ships have successively passed the inspection and certification of international large petrochemical enterprises such as the International Chemical Distribution Association (CDI), Shell, BP, BASF, as well as companies such as Sinopec and CNOOC. The company will continue to deeply explore the field of hazardous chemical waterway transportation and provide supporting logistics services for large chemical enterprises. In the future, in the field of hazardous chemical waterway transportation, we will gradually expand our high-end chemical transportation business and continuously expand our new energy transportation business such as liquefied petroleum gas and liquid ammonia. Based on this, we will continue to extend our supply chain to the upstream and downstream of ports, warehousing, and road transportation, providing customized transportation services to customers and enhancing the company's integrated service capabilities.
Headquarter Nanjing
Establish Date 11/7/1994
Listed Code 001205.SZ
Listed Date 5/13/2021
Chairman Li Taoyuan.
CEO Li Guanghong.

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